Now more than ever, you are needed to donate your old blankets, towels, and sheets to your local animal shelter. With financial cut-backs, repairs on shelters are often put off, so if it's drafty, the animals suffer. I know my shelter uses rags to stuff under doors. No kidding! Empty out those closets... this is your chance to get rid of stuff and do something useful!

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Short Nosed Dogs Flying

I have to say I'm not a fan of putting dogs in the cargo section of a plane at all. My Mom once put our huskey, Lacy, in for a trip and he was not quite the same afterwards. No one is checking on them, it's hot, and the noise in the bowels of a plane have to be very stressful. Still, if you have no choice, keep this information in mind.
Thinking about flying to your next vacation destination with your dog? If he’s a bulldog, pug, or other short-snouted pooch, you might want to consider some new data from the U.S. Department of Transportation: Short-faced breeds account for about half of the dogs who died while traveling in the cargo hold in the last five years.

During this period, 122 dogs died while traveling as cargo on passenger planes, according to the DOT. The figure includes 31 bulldogs and 11 pugs. Vets say respiratory issues are usually to blame.

Owners “should consult their pets’ veterinarians about any genetic features in dogs of this type and the medical condition of their pets before deciding to transport them by aircraft,’’ the DOT said. Many vets recommend against transporting these dogs at all in the cargo hold.

Delta Airlines has specific regulations against flying with short-nosed dogs. According to Delta’s website, “Pug or snub-nosed dogs and cats are not hot-weather animals and therefore do not thrive in warm temperatures. As a precaution, Delta will not accept them as checked baggage or as air cargo if the temperature on any part of their trip exceeds 70 degrees F.” The site goes on to list 25 dogs breeds and 4 cat breeds that fall into this category.

Full story at Dogster:
