Now more than ever, you are needed to donate your old blankets, towels, and sheets to your local animal shelter. With financial cut-backs, repairs on shelters are often put off, so if it's drafty, the animals suffer. I know my shelter uses rags to stuff under doors. No kidding! Empty out those closets... this is your chance to get rid of stuff and do something useful!

Saturday, July 31, 2010

Gone To The Beach

I will be doing some posting while ago, in fact -- catching up! There has just been too much to do while getting ready for a trip to the shore and dealing with trips to the vet for Mr. Wiggins's heartworm. Of course, I rented a house that allows dogs and which has a fenced in yard, and a nearby beach where they can walk with me.

More in a couple of days. Hope you're enjoying the summer months. If you notice, I turned the comments function on. Not sure if people want to leave a note.
