Now more than ever, you are needed to donate your old blankets, towels, and sheets to your local animal shelter. With financial cut-backs, repairs on shelters are often put off, so if it's drafty, the animals suffer. I know my shelter uses rags to stuff under doors. No kidding! Empty out those closets... this is your chance to get rid of stuff and do something useful!

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Money Available to Foster Pets

This will be filed under "Hero"

RSVP Inc. is a 501(c)(3) non-profit rescue organization, run entirely by volunteers. In a desperate attempt to help select dogs who have waited extended periods to be adopted, they are offering a $200/month stipend for a suitable foster home. The dogs are good dogs, but are in dire need of a better life beyond the lonely existence in a kennel. If you would like to consider this temporary, foster care arrangement and be a true hero to these innocent animals who long for love and companionship, contact RSVP at 631-728-3524 or visit

