Now more than ever, you are needed to donate your old blankets, towels, and sheets to your local animal shelter. With financial cut-backs, repairs on shelters are often put off, so if it's drafty, the animals suffer. I know my shelter uses rags to stuff under doors. No kidding! Empty out those closets... this is your chance to get rid of stuff and do something useful!

Friday, August 21, 2009

Photo Essay on the Golf Tournament- Dinner

The event was a huge success!! A great time was had by all!!

(UPDATE: to date, almost $17,000 has been raised from this event, and we are still counting!)

Kay Pistone Carucci (who heads up the effort to raise the needed funds for the New Yonkers Animal Shelter,) Augie Cambria - Commissioner of the City Dept. of Parks - and volunteer committee member, Mayor Phil Amicone (who attended and is genuinely serious about getting this shelter built,) Mike Silvestri (who donated our beautiful venue, absolutely delicious food, and the time of his highly-courteous staff,) and a bevy of committed volunteer committee members are all to be congratulated on a job WELL DONE.

More details on what we raised in the days to come. For now, enjoy the pics... (taken with my cell phone!)
Kay Pistone Carucci and Mayor Phil Amicone (above)
Our clients (below)

Kay and the very wonderful Mike Silvestri (above)
The view at the Beautiful Riverview
The room (check out those paw print balloons!)

Lots of donated gifts (complete list of donors to be posted soon)

Hole Sponsor (below) (This is the store of Darlene, the shelter staff member who held her own fundraiser last week - Cause for Paws)

Kay with more volunteers: (sorry - I'm still getting to know names!)

Our beautiful venue, with a staff that really cared and made our evening special (thanks!)

Our clients

More to follow in the days ahead. Thanks to all who helped bring this wonderful event to fruition! We are that much closer to our $2.3M goal.

Official New Yonkers Animal Shelter website: